99 Oral Language Warm-Ups #4

Pack 4 in the Oral Language Warm-Up cards is here! Help your students switch on their brains to learning and start your lessons with oral language.

Imagine if you were not allowed to enter the classroom before the bell. You could not set up your timetable, prepare resources, or check your tech! You would have to enter at the same time as the students. Would you be ready to teach immediately, or would you need time to settle in and prepare for the day?

Your students feel this every time they walk through your door, but we assume that they are ready to learn because we are ready to teach. Pair this with the fact that, in most cases, the first item on the agenda is English, the most complex subject they will encounter for the day.

Help your students switch on their brains to learning and start your day, your lessons with talk! These activities are not designed to be a prelude to a lesson. We want them to walk in the door, pair up, and talk.

Ideally, complete activities in pairs or, at the most, threes so that everyone can talk.

If you can dedicate the first 2-5 minutes of the day to warming up the brain before learning, we can guarantee it will make a huge difference.

Activities Include:
Sentence Builder
15 Second Story
Weak Nouns
Get Out of It
Confusing Words
It’s Opposites Day
Yes, No, Maybe
Wow Word Chemistry
Victor and Villian

File Type: pdf
Categories: All Elements of VCOP, Connectives Resources, Grammar, Oral Language, Vocabulary Resources
Tags: connectives, oral language, vocabulary, warm-up