The Power of Phonic Phones: Enhancing Learning Across Multiple Fronts

A phonic phone, also known as a whisper phone, is a handheld, acoustical device designed to enhance auditory feedback during language and literacy activities. Typically made of lightweight plastic, the phonic phone is shaped like a small tube or cone that can be held to the ear, allowing students to hear their own voice more clearly while minimizing external noise interference. The purpose of a phonic phone is to provide students with a focused, immersive experience that supports the development of phonics skills, speech and articulation, spelling, reading fluency and expression, editing writing, and oral presentation practice. By creating a private audio environment, phonic phones encourage active listening and self-assessment, helping students refine their language abilities and boost overall communication competence…yet most educators are not using them to their full potential. 
I think they should be a staple booklist item for all students in all year levels. Keep reading to find out how I use a phonic phone to support the students I am working with.

As educators, we constantly strive to find innovative and effective methods to enhance learning outcomes for our students. One powerful tool that has gained recognition in recent years is the phonic phone, also known as a whisper phone. These simple yet effective devices can have a profound impact on various aspects of education, from phonics and speech development to reading fluency and expression, spelling, editing writing, and oral presentation practice. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of phonic phones and how they can revolutionise the learning experience for students of all ages.

  1. Mastering Phonics: Phonics is the foundation of reading and writing. Phonic phones provide an excellent resource for students to practice phonemic awareness and phonics skills. By speaking into the phone and hearing their own voice clearly, students can better distinguish between different sounds, identify phonetic patterns, and develop stronger phonological processing abilities. These phones create a focused, immersive environment that helps students grasp the intricate connections between letters and sounds.

  2. Speech and Articulation: Clear and confident speech is a valuable skill that extends beyond the classroom. Phonic phones act as personal amplifiers, allowing students to hear themselves more distinctly. This enhanced auditory feedback enables them to identify and correct speech errors, work on pronunciation, and develop proper articulation. By practicing with phonic phones, students gain confidence in their oral communication skills, leading to improved overall speech and language development.

  3. Spelling and Word Recognition: Using phonic phones during spelling exercises can greatly benefit students. When students sound out words while speaking into the phone, they engage in auditory feedback that helps them identify and correct spelling errors. The phones provide a private environment where students can focus on phoneme-grapheme relationships, break down complex words, and reinforce spelling patterns. This multisensory approach encourages active learning and significantly improves spelling proficiency.

  4. Reading Fluency and Expression: Phonic phones serve as invaluable tools for improving reading fluency and expression. Students can read aloud into the phone, listening to their own voice without external distractions. This process allows them to self-assess their pace, intonation, and phrasing. By practicing with phonic phones, students develop greater control over their reading speed, become more attentive to punctuation cues, and enhance their ability to convey emotions and meaning through expressive reading.

  5. Editing Writing: Effective writing involves a critical editing process. Phonic phones enable students to review their written work by reading it aloud into the device. This process helps identify errors in grammar, syntax, and punctuation. Students can hear the flow of their sentences, identify awkward phrasing, and make necessary revisions. Phonic phones become powerful self-editing tools, fostering independent learning and refining writing skills.

  6. Oral Presentation Practice: Presenting ideas confidently and articulately is an essential life skill. Phonic phones can be utilised as preparation tools for oral presentations. Students can practice delivering their speeches or presentations into the phones, allowing them to hear their delivery style and make adjustments as needed. This practice builds confidence, helps refine public speaking skills, and promotes effective communication in various contexts.

The inclusion of phonic phones in educational settings has proven to be highly beneficial across a range of learning areas. By harnessing the power of auditory feedback and self-assessment, students can improve their phonics skills, speech and articulation, spelling, reading fluency and expression, writing editing, and oral presentation abilities. As educators, we should embrace the use of phonic phones as an effective and accessible tool to empower our students in their educational journey. By doing so, we create an environment that fosters growth, confidence, and lifelong learning.

Over the last 18 months we have proudly designed and created our perfect phonic phone. It is lightweight, durable and made of thick ABS plastic to be dishwasher safe to 60 degrees (top shelf recommended). 

The ergonomic design is comfy for both little hands as well as big ones. Not to mention the acoustics and price will beat any other on the market. 

To order your class a set, head over to or ask your school stationary supplier to contact us to add it to your student book lists.